Pilgrim Fathers

The Pilgrim Fathers

The Pilgrim Fathers are early English settlers, who founded the Plymouth Colony. It was the first lasting settlement in New England. 1606 a group of separatists divided from the church in England, to escape religious persecution.

The Pilgrim Fathers wanted to emigrate to the USA. They went with a ship, called Mayflower, on a 2 months journey, and arrived in today’s Provincetown in Masachussets. On this journey many people died, because they suffered from the aftereffects of scurvy.

After a while they formed a government and wrote the Mayflower-Compact, because they had no rights. It is the first constitution in america.

By iamlegend96

2 comments on “Pilgrim Fathers

  1. Hi Mert,
    good overview.
    Please remember that all nouns and adjectives referring to nations (America/American // Germany/German // …) start with a capital
    If you want to say “Verfolgung” (last word in your first paragraph), it´s PERSECUTION. Please correct these things.
    Have a brilliant weekend! MD

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